Friday, February 15, 2019

On Tuesday, February 5th, Governor Greg Abbott addressed that he would make  bills to be passed faster than 60 days which the state requires. He mentioned the bills, such as school finance, would be increasing teachers salary, property tax reform, school safety, and disaster relief. Abbott showed his thoughts for children. He thinks that children need effective teachers in order for children to be well-educated. Therefore, he is trying to find out the way teachers earn their six figures salary. 
    House and Senate Democrats praised the governor’s effort to fix a school system; however, they pointed out that Abbott did not mention enough of the significant issues that he was supposed to work seriously. For example, the health care system which is always staying low rank in the states. Toni Rose, a Democratic member of the Texas House of Representative said, “Black women are dying at an alarming rate. We need to expand Medicaid” According to data from the Texas Maternal Mortality Task Force, 89 women died due to pregnancy-related causes in 2012. Black women are 2 to 6 more likely to die from complications of pregnancy than white women. Also, the study noted that approximately 50% of pregnancy is unplanned, and unplanned pregnancy can increase mortality. Majority of Maternal Mortality is preventable. It is obvious that Texas government must focus on people’s lives more than anything. If they expand Medicaid and reconsider the healthcare system, It will be possible that we can decrease the rate of maternal death dramatically.

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